Posix Regular Expressions

The regular expression functions are modelled on those described at exslt.org. The exslt specification specifies Javascript style regular expressions, however these functions are implemented using Posix regular expression syntax since these functions are readily available on Unix like platforms.

In all cases if a non-string argument is specified where a string is expected the argument is converted as if by using the XPath string() function.



string re:replace(string, string, string, string)

The re:replace() function replaces the parts of a string that match a Posix extended regular expression with the replacement string.

Within the replacement strings, the following sequences are recognised:

  • \\ - stands for a \ sign.
  • & - the matched substring (write as & in XML documents).
  • \0 - the matched substring, synonym for &.
  • \p - the portion of the string that precedes the matched substring (prefix).
  • \s - the portion of the string that follows the matched substring (suffix).
  • \nnn - the nth matched substring.

The following flag characters are recognised:

  • i - perform a case insensitive search.
  • g - global match; replace all occurrences of the pattern, otherwise replace only the first match.
  • m - match-any-character operators don't match a newline.


  • string: the string to be matched
  • string: a Posix extended regular expression
  • string: flags
  • string: replacement string

Note that the order of arguments follows exslt.org and differs from the corresponding XPath 2 function.


  • string: resulting string



object re:match(string, string, string?)

The re:match() function lets you get hold of the substrings of the string passed as the first argument that match the captured parts of the regular expression passed as the second argument.

The following flag characters specified in the optional final argument are recognised:

  • i - perform a case insensitive search.
  • g - global match
  • m - match-any-character operators don't match a newline.

The return value is a node set of <match> elements, each of whose string value is equal to a portion of the first argument string captured by the regular expression.

Behaviour differs depending on whether the match is global. If the match is not global, the first match element has a value equal to the portion of the string matched by the entire regular expression. Subsequent elements have values equal to the corresponding submatches from the regular expression.

If the match is global, each match element contains a portion of the string matched by the entire regular expression.


  • string: the string to be matched
  • string: a Posix extended regular expression
  • string?: optional flags argument. Equivalent to empty string if omitted.


  • node-set: a node set of <match> elements.



boolean re:test(string, string, string?)

The re:test() function returns true if the string given as the first argument matches the regular expression given as the second argument.

The following flag characters are recognised: - i - perform a case insensitive search. - m - match-any-character operators don't match a newline.


  • string: the string to be matched
  • string: a Posix extended regular expression
  • string?: optional flags argument. Equivalent to empty string if omitted.


  • boolean: whether the string matches.



re:filter(node-set, string, string?)

Filter the node-set specified by the first argument. Each node is converted to a string as if using the XPath string() function and if it matches the RE add it to the result node-set.

The following flag characters are recognised: - i - perform a case insensitive search. - m - match-any-character operators don't match a newline.


  • node-set: the nodes to be matched
  • string: a Posix extended regular expression
  • string?: optional flags argument. Equivalent to empty string if omitted.


  • node-set: the filtered, possibly empty, node set.